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Find all the information on homeownership
Whether you are thinking of owning, selling, or are already a homeowner, here is your one stop shop to everything you need to know.
How Your Credit Score Can Impact Loan Options
Follow this series to learn how to get the best mortgage for your specific financial situation and goals. You’ll see what steps you need...
3 Common Mistakes that Lower Credit Scores
How to Get Your Credit Score Up — Week 3 Having a high credit score is important all the time, whether you are buying a home anytime soon...
Demystifying Your Credit Score
Having a high credit score is important all the time, whether you are buying a home anytime soon or not. Your FICO score and credit...
Why Having a Credit Card Helps Your Credit
Having a high credit score is important all the time, whether you are buying a home anytime soon or not. Your FICO score and credit...
3 Common Mistakes that Lower Credit Scores
Whether you know it or not, there might be things you are doing that can effect your credit score for the worse. Even if you aren’t...
Why You Should Know Your Exact Credit Score
Are you giving your credit score the attention it deserves? If you’re even thinking about buying a home or refinancing your current one...
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